Monday 4 July 2011

Not going well...


I've been plucking some over the past few days. I like to think i've been leaving the important ones to grow, but i guess thats not the right approach.

Anyways, gonna try alot harder this week, promise!! *gets more vaseline*. I've recently developed a liking for coffee. I hope this will occupy my hands more while i'm sat at my laptop in my room, rather than finding my fingers up on my face again. i think i pluck more when i'm just sat in my room alone doing nothing. I need to be kept busy....or atleast my fingers do.


1 comment:

  1. Ever considered Baoding balls? It requires a fair bit of co-ordination in the hand, so it might well a) keep your hands busy and b) distract you from plucking by concentrating on something else.
