Monday 27 June 2011

Stressful tiems

So like, i know for a fact that stress leads to more plucking.

I have had a stressful week...this is not good when i'm supposed to be quitting my hair pulling. My luck really sucks.

Been keeping with the vaseline, but i've still plucked a few hairs, cant help it when i get like this >< Doing my best, but its uber hard.

Anyways, just wanted to post a random update. My brows are riddled with newly growing roots, so they are trying to grow back, its just a case of whether i will let them. The tiny new roots are my favourite to pluck ><



  1. Keep resisting them :D You're doing really well, especially considering that you're stressed at the moment. Squeaky and I intend to help you de-stress on Friday anyway ^_^

  2. Thanks for the support Nisa^^
